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word how to delete the blank page related recommendations
1.打开Excel表格,接着点击“插入函数”。 2.将函数的类别选为“全部”,然后下来找到“LOWER”并点击。 3.选择大写字母所在单元格,选择完毕后点击确定即可。 …
如何轻松删除Word文档中的整页内容及格式指南 在日常工作中,Word文档的编辑可能会让人感到烦恼,尤其是当你需要删除整页内容时。很多人可能会遇到这种情况,想要快速而有效地删除Wo…
Mobile Excel auto-sorting numbering tips for more efficient work!
In the modern work environment, it has become a trend to use cell phones for data processing. Especially Excel, a powerful tool, which can not only be used on the computer, but can also be easily operated on the phone. The following will introduce you to the skills of cell phone Excel automatic sorting number...
1、使用WPS Office打开幻灯片,依次点击“插入”—>“音频”。 2、点击“小喇叭”(刚插入的音频文件),在“音频工具”选项卡下设置播放的页数范围即可。
最近公司在盘点统计固定资产,现在领导要求我们要把固定资产统计做成标签贴在固定资产上!在上一篇为大家展示了在excel中利用标尺制作档案盒正侧面标签。 excel小技巧:利用标尺制作…
How to use Word to easily achieve a row of two pages of layout skills
How to use Word to easily achieve a row of two pages of layout skills In modern document processing, the use of Word for layout has become one of the common skills of many people's office and study. In order to display information more efficiently, many users want to arrange the content in a row of two pages on the...
excel怎么去掉柱形图表坐标轴上的空白日期 1、如图所示新建一个excel文件,第一列为日期 第二列为数据 2、选中数据区域 按住alt+f1或者f11,插入一个图表页 …
如何利用PPT提升电脑学习效率:详细制作步骤指南 在这个信息爆炸的时代,掌握一门新技能或提升工作效率已成为许多人的迫切需求。而学会使用PPT(幻灯片制作软件)制作高质量的演示文稿,…
How to delete blank pages in Word without changing the document formatting techniques
When using Microsoft Word to edit documents, blank pages are often a nuisance. These extra blank pages not only waste paper, but also may affect the overall beauty of the document. The following will introduce you to several effective ways to help you remove empty in Word...