在办公室的工作中很多人用wps和office办公软件,虽然现在wps日渐完善但是在某些细节上还是有点小小的差异,当wps遇到excel的时候总是 有些小小的差异,比如wps调好到一张的表格,在excel中就不能打印到一张纸上,很多OL们都遇到过这样的问题吧。现在介绍一个非常简单的的方法来解决这个问题
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word how to delete the blank page related recommendations
Excel 中二级下拉菜单怎么制作?
关于下拉菜单,相信很多同学对一级下拉菜单并不陌生。 二级下拉菜单是在一级下拉菜单的基础上利用自定义名称和 indirect 函数制作的创建的,内容随一级下拉菜单的变化而变化。 接下…
(1)突破20次的撤消极限 PowerPoint的“撤消”功能为文稿编辑提供了很大方便。但PowerPoint默认的撤销操作次数却只有20次。单击PowerPoint窗口左上角的“…
hello,大家好,今天跟大家分享下如何制作考勤表,我们先来看下今天制作的考勤表都能达到那些效果 1. 表头根据所选月份自动变动 2. 自动判断当月天数星期 3. 周六周日自动填充…
WPS skills of how to customize the action path of the animation effect?
Use WPS Office to open the presentation file, select the need to set the animation of the region, click "Animation" -> "Draw custom path". Select the appropriate type of drawing can be.
Creative use of art characters in PPT design and beautification techniques
In today's presentation production, the use of art characters is getting more and more attention. An ingenious art word design can not only enhance the overall aesthetics of the PPT, but also enhance the dissemination of information. This article will provide you with a detailed introduction to how to create both good-looking and real in the PPT...
告别空白页困扰:学习Word技巧轻松处理分页符问题 在日常工作和学习中,我们经常会使用Word文档。但是,有时候在编辑文档时,会遇到一些小小的烦恼,比如页面出现空白页或多余的空白页…
The solution to the problem of Word form page breaks in the blank paragraph of the method
In the daily office, Word documents are often because of the layout of the problem to produce some trouble, especially when we use the form, page breaks may inadvertently produce a blank paragraph. This not only affects the aesthetics of the document, but also may cause printing errors in the document. In order to help people smooth...
Office武林有很多门派,其中当属 Word、Excel、PPT 三派最强。 而Word作为「office武林」中当之无愧的「文字处理之王」,其中有很多的小技巧能够让我们在职场上…
How to easily create a beautiful flowchart in PPT: step by step and skill sharing
In the modern workplace, flowcharts have become an important tool for showing workflow and business logic. The use of PPT to create flowcharts, not only easy to use, but also to ensure that the overall style of the presentation is unified. In this article, we will introduce in detail the production of flowcharts in the PPT specific steps and practical skills...